Monday, October 15, 2012

A Thin Line

I was there, that time when there was the moment for us to remember, we cherish those moment that might never re-visited us for a long distance of time, and here we are looking outside waiting for the right moment to come to just telling the whole world that you want your old life back, how much you missed those people you've lost along the way, how much you hated to be alone while it's raining outside, a mug of nescafe wouldn't cure the event in your heart because you know that you will forever has this lump in your throat and your heart just stop functioning to the time when you realized for us to move on to the next phase of life.

You and Me, we just in this line where we choose to go, and this line can never be broken unless if you choose to. But this society of heart is just too hard to resit the temptations to said how much I miss our old conversation back in the old days, how much those time has grown us apart and make us a better human being for now where it belongs.

Those perplexed moment we had, was just memorizing and those line we said its simply untouchable by anyone to my mind, this whole sub-conscious of mine is just for now to remember and no more to be in mind as long as we shall behave well in our own spaces, and this has thus created a thin line between us, and it will be broken one day, and that time you are like a bird ,free to go from my circle of life when it's the right time for the both of us..


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