Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm Back!

Almost 2 months I didnt update my blog, was so busying with my life...
What am i up to now?? Im working now at hospital fatimah, well alot of my friends thought it will be something to do with medical thingy, but its not, I'm in the IT dept. just helping along about the connection of PC in the hospital. Quite a different job though, but its a good experienced for me to have an job experienced for my future..
All my colleagues here are very nice to me, and I get long with them quite well though..
But I'm just a part-time guy not full time, so have to get ready to go out anytime if they find a new person for replacing me..
I just got back from InteYo Leadership Traning Camp which been held in Adeline's Rest House,Gopeng, Four words....Amazing, and Simply Irresistable.
This LC0409 was more happening than LC0308, but still the sweet memories just sweap away, all the activities and all the sweet things that happened just so hard to forget, for me I had assisted a group which was called Ultimate-5...I was partned with Yuen Si, new comer for our Facis Team, they are so many things that had happened during the camp and I cant start from where..because their's are so many things to say and just so little time to say...
If you guys wanna know more what happened view my InteYo blog, I will write the complete thing there....
Oh,yea Im thinking of continue studying soon but not sure when ...
I felt abit upset because alot of my friends are going to continue study, Preeya told me she will be having exams next month and IF she past that exam then she can go to Indonesia to do her dream course which is "vert"...she is an animal lover,so I'm quite upset now but what can I do more with it?? Right???

sign off