Friday, August 3, 2012

Perfect World

Have you ever wonder to wake up from a perfect dream and realized that everything you dream off is there right in front of your eyes!

The perfect family,
The perfect husband/wife,
The Aces son/daughter,
The perfect house at the hill,
The perfect job,
The perfect day,
The perfect life,
The perfect world!

AH! Dream! That's a wonderful life isn't? It's just perfect life without any trouble and worries about anything!
Shame that none of it happens to any of us, even the poor or neither the rich need to face a lots of trouble to survive on this planet, it's not an easy journey for any of us, perhaps we have the will power to run right now, but sooner later we might facing the sunset, where it's our turn to fall sick and face the god and that's whats count at the end of the day.

It's not about how much you learn in this amazing journey but it's about how you make it happen, maybe for some of us came from different backgrounds, different places might give us the vast of opportunity to shine but in some it might put us in the back row, and this shows not all of us is lucky to make it to the front! Cherish with your love ones and make it every single minute counts and remember its not all about yourself.

p/s- this is a message to myself as well, in reminding myself where I came from..



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